Experiences for International Business an der Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Amber Agterhuis

Amber gives us an Interview and told us about the study programme International Business at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences.

What was the reason for choosing and applying for International Business at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences?

I choose to study International Business, because it's a very broad study programme. The nice thing about that is that you can do just about anything you want after graduation. I also really liked the combination of languages, culture and business. It is just the programme you need if you want to look beyond your own country and gain more international knowledge.

Which subjects have you studied?

So the subjects I have studied are very broad. Export is the main theme throughout the programme, but other economic subjects are also covered, such as online and international marketing, HRM, financial management, international logistics, law, market research and of course languages (French and English). So it's a very broad programme and everything is covered, which means you learn a lot and develop a broad basis. The nice thing is that you also learn to combine things and to see connections. And you get to learn various skills.

Can you tell about the practical experience you gained in the programme?

It's very important to apply these subjects in practice right away. We do this through projects in which we learn how to work together and eventually you have to present your plan. You also visit companies to carry out your projects and of course you do an internship. This enables you to develop a professional attitude and shows you how things are done in organizations.

I did an internship at the Chamber of Commerce in Malaga, but you can go anywhere in the world. For example, one of my classmates did an internship at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, another classmate at a large export company in Munich and a third classmate at a travel agency in Peru.

How international is the programme?

In addition to your internship abroad, you will also study abroad for a semester. I went to Hong Kong and studied there for a semester. It is a great experience and you get to choose which modules you will be taking, provided the university offers those modules, of course. I chose to specialize more on the Asian market. Other classmates chose France, Germany, America, Poland, Latvia and Finland, because you can go anywhere you like. These experiences abroad help you to develop your intercultural skills. I now have friends all over the world.

How did you find a flat in the Netherlands?

It is quite easy to find a room in Zwolle, much easier than in most other cities in the Netherlands. SSH, the organization for student housing, can help you. They have several flats in or near the city centre of Zwolle, where you can rent a room for affordable prices. But don't organize it last minute, because then you need to work with private companies which have more expensive rooms.

What are your plans for the future?

I don't know yet what exactly I'm going to do after I graduate. But because I've completed such a broad study programme, I can try my hand at anything I fancy. For instance, I can work in various positions at different companies, to find out what suits me best. Students often also stay with the company where they did their final project. One of my classmates, for example, stayed with her final-project company and now manages the logistics process of ice rinks intended for export.

Would you go the same way again?

If I had to choose again, it would definitely be this study programme for me all over again. The combination of business, intercultural skills and languages turns you into a unique professional. I would certainly choose Windesheim again too, because the lecturers can always be reached and are always willing to help you. They are highly approachable and take a true personal interest in you, which I really like a lot.