Rankings for Universities of Applied Sciences

For universities of applied sciences – Dutch: hogescholen - there are no general international rankings. But in Holland there are three national rankings for hogescholen: The Elsevier Ranking, Keuzegids Ranking and the Nationale Studenten Enquete (NSE).


“Keuzegids” is deducted and published by the Centrum Hoger Onderwijs Informatie (Higher Education Information Centre). Programmes are rated by universities of applied sciences (HBO) as well as universities. Considered are the perspective of students and that of the university. The ranking is essentially based on success key figures of the universities, expert assessments for the accreditation of the programmes as well as results of the National Student Survey (NSE).

Elsevier Magazine

Elsevier, a Dutch weekly magazine publishes an annual ranking of the best study programmes in Holland. The report “De Beste Studies” is based on the assessment through students as well as through lecturers. The assessment through students is based on the National Student Survey NSE. The assessment through lecturers happens specifically for Elsevier.

National Student Survey

The Nationale Studenten Enquete (NSE), also known as “National Student Survey” is an annual survey of students. “Studiekeuze123”, a country-wide institution of the universities, is responsible for NSE and works with the country’s government. All universities can participate. Students are questioned about quality of their studies.