Whether you need a work permit (TWV) for the Netherlands depends on your nationality.
EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland
You are a citizen of an EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland? You don’t need a work permit (TWV). This might also be applicable if a family member of yours has one of these nationalities.
Other nationalities
You need a work permit (TWV).
It is not you/the employee who applies for the work permit but the employer. First you ask for work. The employer needs to have a work permit for you. The employer applies for a TWV with UWV (Netherlands Employees Insurance Agency). UWV examines among other things if there is no employee with the Dutch, EU/EEA or Swiss nationality that is qualified for the job.
You are allowed to work in the Netherlands, however no more than 10 hours a week. Instead of these 10 hours a week, you are also allowed to carry out seasonal work in June, July and August. In addition, you are allowed to work as a self-employed person. Important is that you continue to meet the requirements for your residence permit for study.
You do an internship which is relevant for your study? In this case you do not need a work permit. You must have signed an internship agreement with the company where you will do your internship and your educational institution.
The back of your residence permit shows if you are allowed to work. Your residence permit states 'TWV vereist voor arbeid van bijkomende aard, andere arbeid in loondienst niet toegestaan'.
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