You want to enroll in a degree programme at a Dutch university. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and might also depend on the nationality of your family members.
EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland
You are a citizen of an EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland? You don’t need a visa/residence permit. You can just come to the Netherlands and start your studies. You need no visa, no residence permit, no work permit, you do not need to report to the IND. This might also be applicable if a family member of yours has one of these nationalities.
Other nationalitiesYou need a residence permit.
General conditions
Certain conditions
For Turkish citizens and their families other conditions might be applicable.
First of all you enroll in the study programme.
How do you apply for a visa/residence permit? First of all you enroll in the study programme. It is not you but the university who submits the application for your residence permit. Once you are enrolled in the programme the university will contact you to start the application procedure for your visa. Otherwise you should contact the international office.
The university you will attend can provide you with a list of documents you need.
The application for a residence permit is € 317.
Do you need a work permit? Needed in case you would like to work while studying.
Check it all out at IND (Immigration and naturalization Service) belongs to the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice.