Master in Media Innovation (HBO)

People in the commercial media industry aim to design original media products that are profitable, technologically refined and that engage their audiences in new ways.

So it's more than a creative idea.

Innovation in the creative media industry is a hot topic in many countries. Up until now, however, there is a persistent lacuna. Innovators have not yet been successful in establishing an integral academic approach that is directly relevant to the digital media industry. This master programme seeks to fill this need. In close cooperation with international partners, the Academy for Digital Entertainment of NHTV Breda therefore has developed this master programme, which will bridge the gap between theory and practice in digital media studies.

The Master in Media Innovation focuses on the core processes behind media products, trying to uncover a digital grammar. By learning this grammar, you will be able to express yourself better on the digital platform and to anticipate future developments. In this way, you can use the full potential of the digital media.

sustainable strengthening
All kinds of media innovations can help organizations to be more successful in business. For example the use of social media brings lots of opportunities in new ways of communication with potential costumers and suppliers. The opportunities for companies using and combining the newest media tools are enormous.

More information
International Office

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