Economics and Business (Uni)

Utrecht University
Utrecht University

In collaboration with the Italian university Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS), Universiteit Utrecht has developed an English-language Bachelor’s Degree Course in Economics and Business for a select group of 25 students.

Studying Economics and Business

Part of the programme will take place in Utrecht (the Netherlands) and part of it in Rome (Italy). The courses in economics will be offered in Utrecht while the business courses are offered in Rome. The Bachelor’s Degree Course will result in an Economics and Business Bachelor's Degree Certificate.

LUISS is a prestigious university with a strong international orientation both in terms of education and in terms of research. Like UU, LUISS offers small-scale courses. LUISS employs a teaching staff whose members also work for government institutions, in the public sector and for corporation. It offers courses that in terms of quality belong to the top in European, that tie in neatly with actual practice and that as such are valued by its students. The forms the courses take within LUISS and UU match closely.

More information

For more information on the programme, on the procedure to register for the Bachelor's Degree Course in Economics (and Business) and detailed information on the admission requirements and the selection procedure please contact:

Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht
Tel.: + 31 30 253 7000

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