The Dutch student finance system consists of four parts.
Loan (Basislening): You repay the loan after you graduated, the interest rate is fairly low. You yourself decide how much money you take: You can increase or lower your loan monthly. This gives you financial control! A maximum amount is fixed. Here you can find the current maximum amount for loans.
Supplementary grant (aanvullende beurs): depending on parental income. If you graduate in 10 years’ time it is converted into a gift. Otherwise you have to pay it back. Here you can find the current maximum amount for loans.
Tuition fee loan (Collegegeldkrediet): You can borrow the tuition fees. This means you pay back your tuition fees in rates based on your income once you have finished your studies. This credit is not related to your or your parents’ income. The interest rate is fairly low. Even if you don’t meet the requirements for student finance, you can ask for the tuition fee loan. Here you can find the current amount for the tuition fee loan
How much money you could receive depends on several conditions. Especially your nationality and your parents’ income are decisive. Thus you have to check that out individually. But you want to know the maximum you can receive? Please note: These amounts are adjusted every year.
current maximum amount per month
If you are eligible for support depends on your age, the programme you follow and your nationality. You might be eligible for Dutch student finance if you fulfill following conditions.
Even in case you are not eligible for the basic loan and for the supplementary grant, you might nevertheless be eligible for the tuition fee loan!
DUO (Dienst Uitvoreing Onderwijs) is the Dutch authority where you have to apply for "studiefinanciering". You have to apply online here: DUO/ Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs
Here you can find the application form "Studiefinanciering hoger onderwijs". It is all in Dutch.
It is suggested to apply three months before you start studying. This way it is most likely you get support in time. But this will not work out in most cases, because you have to settle some things before.
Will the Dutch financial student support cover your expenses? Read more about how much money you will need.