In the Netherlands you can lend the tuition fees. This is called ''Collegegeldkrediet''. This means you pay back your tuition fees in rates based on your income once you have finished your studies. This credit is not related to your or your parents income. At the moment (2015/2016) the credit is 162.58 per month. So at the end of the year you have exactly the yearly tuition fees.
It is also possible to pay your tuition fees not at the beginning of the semester, but in rates. You need to contact your college for details on how it works.
If your tuition fees are higher than the standard Dutch tuition fees, you can lend the Instellingscollegegeld. This can sometimes be five times the standard amount.
You can request Collegegeldkrediet at DUOs website:
You should request early, best is before the beginning of your studies. That does not mean you cannot request it at any time during your studies though.
The interest rate for the Collegegeldkrediet is 0.12 % in 2015.